Canton, Mi Basement Drainage System Set
When installing the WaterGuard french draiange system along the perimeter, first the drainage piping path is dug out, and the WaterGuard system set. This French drain is designed to be installed below the floor slab, resting on top of the foundation footing. This keeps the drainage system out of the "mud zone", where drains can clog,
Canton, Michigan French Drainage System Set
As the system is set below the floor upon the foundation footing, we cover it with a waterproof barrier to ensure none of the new concrete would filter into the drain, as we backfill the new trench before proceeding with sealing it up for a beautiful finish.
Canton, Mi Finished WaterGuard Basement Drainage System
Here we see the final look of a WaterGuard piping and drainage installation, fully covered and smoothed with new cement for a clean finish, and a functional solution for most basement waterproofing needs.