Outside Of Sinking House in Livonia, Mi
For houses built on concrete slabs, it's sometimes difficult to tell from the outside if the home has started sinking, and even harder to determine at a glance if it may need foundation repair or a concrete leveling service

Closer Inspection
Here we have a closer examination of the house externally, note the general slanting and how the bottom bricks aren't properly aligned, awkwardly fitting into the ground beneath. Signs, are present from the outside, but nothing particularly obvious. However, what about the inside?

The Problem
The concrete slab foundation of the house was sinking, and this issue was becoming more and more obvious within the house. The flooring and walls were separating and leaving spaces between them all over the house. The necessity to address this right away is a serious matter. In order to fulfill this family's specific leveling demands and realign their home, the PolyLevel system was used to fix this particular situation. Details Can Be Found Below In The Relevant Job Story.

Further evidence of the walls and floors separating over time in this Livonia, Mi home