Bowing and Cracked Basement Wall Repaired in Holly, MI
This homeowner contacted HomeSpec because his concrete block foundation walls were cracked and one wall was bowing inward. This is a common problem with block foundations - the mortar (the bind between the blocks) is very susceptible to cracking and allowing water into the basement. A bowing wall is very dangerous though, the next step is the complete collapse of the wall. This happens when there's hydrostatic pressure or expansive soils pushing the wall inward. In some cases the entire wall needs to be rebuilt. But luckily this time, that was not the case.
The project manager decided the best solution was to install a stabilization system to the walls to prevent further damage, and potentially straighten the walls back to their original position. This system consists of steel I-beams being secured to the wall and the joists above the wall. They are adjustable, allowing for tightening of the brace. The cracks in the walls were repaired with a polyurethane sealant - a powerful waterproof and flexible sealant.
After the repairs, the structural integrity of the home was safe and secure once more.