Foundation Settlement in Ira, MI solved with Helical Piers and Crack Injection
A family recently purchased a home in Ira, MI and noticed the back basement wall leaking, putting the issue in the back of their mind. A few weeks later they heard a loud sound coming from the basement. More specifically, the basement floor now had a large crack running down the middle, causing the kitchen above to become unlevel and the sliding glass door to have a gap. After realizing it was time to address the situation, the family reached out to neighbors and friends for the best foundation repair companies nearby. They were referred to HomeSpec BasementFix by a neighbor who recently had basement waterproofing done by us.Robert, who was experienced in foundation repair, was sent to the family’s home to provide a detailed inspection and discuss their concerns. After explaining that over time, hydrostatic pressure can build up around the foundation walls causing it to bow and crack, he performed his inspection. During the inspection process, Robert noted how the large crack running through the basement was likely due to foundation settlement. While settlement doesn't happen overnight, if left for long periods of time, it can cause the foundation to sink and the basement floor to develop cracks. The leaking walls were likely due to the pressure from expansive soils building up around the foundation and causing the walls to crack and let in water. Proposing a solution for this family that involved Helical Piers, High Pressure Crack Injection and PolyLevel was the best way to solve this foundation settlement problem. In order to solve the cracks in the basement, the first step is to lift the foundation back to its original level. When the soils below can no longer support the weight of the foundation, it causes a void that the foundation settles into. The Helical Pier Support System solves this by stabilizing the foundation from further settlement and transferring the weight of the foundation from weaker soils, to competent load bearing soils through the piers. The helical plates welded to the shaft of the pier act as a screw, advancing deeper into the ground providing structural support and peace of mind for the homeowner. The next step in this family’s foundation repair was for our crew to apply High Pressure Urethane Crack Injection to seal the cracks in the foundation wall and PolyLevel, a polyurethane foam injection, to level the concrete floors in the basement. With the foundation restored to its original structural integrity, this family was pleased to receive a referral discount for the foundation repair and happy to recommend HomeSpec BasementFix to friends in need of home repair.