Ulby, Mi Bowing Basement Walls Corrected
Jagged staircase-like crack patterns emerging from bowing walls in this Ulby, Mi homeowner's basement led them to search for a foundation repair contractor nearby. When homes are originally built, large holes are dug out for the basement. After construction, the hole was backfilled, creating what engineers call an “active wedge” of loose fill soil that is much less dense than undisturbed, native soil. Water flows into this area more easily, exerting inward pressure on your foundation—even more so when the water freezes or clay soils expand. Under stress, the walls can begin to crack, bow or lean in.
The homeowners made the right call to address this problem, before foundation stability deteriorated or water damage from water leaking in through growing cracks became additional concerns. Our crew would install the PowerBrace system to help permanently stabilize the walls. A design that involves load distributing top brackets and an adjustable system to tighten the supports overtime and help reverse the leaning and bowing effects. The homeowner was appreciative of the relatively unintrusive process since no heavy equipment was needed for the installation.