Homeowner With Plans to Downsize Has Geo Lock Installed to Increase Property Value in Northville, MI
A family in Northville, MI who was in the process of downsizing, contacted our company regarding a concerning issue they discovered in their garage. They had been noticing smaller horizontal cracks in their garage get larger over the years. Compounding the problem was the fact that the wall was situated against a bank, meaning it was below grade. Recognizing the importance of addressing this issue before putting their home on the market, the homeowner sought our help to increase their property value.
When our Project MAnager arrived at the home, it was evident that the presence of horizontal cracks in a below-grade wall indicated water pressure exerting force on the structure, which could have led to serious damage if left unattended. To address the root of the problem and ensure a permanent solution, he proposed the installation of a Geo-Lock.
The first step in the process involved excavating the exterior area adjacent to the wall in question. Our crew dug down far enough to expose the foundation wall and created a suitable working space for the installation. Once the excavation was complete, they cleaned the exposed foundation wall, removing any debris, loose material, or dirt that could hinder the adhesion of the Geo-Lock system. Next, they carefully applied a waterproofing cover to the wall's surface. This membrane acts as a barrier, preventing the intrusion of water and moisture into the foundation. With the waterproofing measures in place, our crew proceeded to install the Geo-Lock system. The Geo-Lock consists of robust steel wall anchors that are strategically driven through the foundation wall and into the compacted soil on the exterior side. These anchors are designed to stabilize the wall, counteracting the lateral pressure exerted by the surrounding soil and preventing any further horizontal movement or cracking. The anchors are securely fastened to steel wall plates placed against the interior surface of the wall. The plates distribute the pressure evenly, reducing stress on the foundation and providing long-term stability for the home.
With the project complete, this homeowner could now potentially have the value of their property increased while also ensuring the future homeowners had a safe environment.